Frequently asked questions
You can view other profiles with minimum information. This minimum information will not reveal any identity information of other candidates. Identity information such as name, photo, phone number, address and email will not be shown.
Information such as name, photo, phone number, email and address are personal and confidential. This detail is provided only upon paying registration fee and after approval from the other side.
Yes, you can create a profile for your son or daughter. As a matter of fact, any family member can create a profile for their candidate.
Only one profile is allowed for each candidate. However, if you are a relative who wants to create a profile for more than one candidate, then a separate profile account will be required for each of the candidate.
Contact our team through the contact form and we will help you with the best answers to the questions you have.
Paid membership allows users to get detailed information about the person they are interested in, and enables them to request a meeting with the other person